Thanks to loyal reader SpaceyG for sending over these pics! I first noticed the British club kids dressing this way awhile back. But now it seems the style has crossed the Atlantic and found its way to urban centers of NYC and Atlanta.

I like this look! It’s definitely a welcome departure from the sagging pants and white tees favored by our young men. Steampunk is a phrase coined by K.W. Jeter to describe sc-fi novels with Victorian era endings. The term spread from literature to objets d’art, and now to fashion:

Steampunk is, most simply defined by one enthusiast, as ‘the intersection of technology and romance.’ A more encompassing description according to Ruth LaFurla of The New York Times, states it is “a subculture that is the aesthetic expression of a time-traveling fantasy world, one that embraces music, film, design and now fashion, all inspired by the extravagantly inventive age of dirigibles and steam locomotives, brass diving bells and jar-shaped protosubmarines.” (Source)

Y’all know if Jay Z adopts this style your man will too. Rapper Dre 3K has already incorporated this look into his new clothing line. So, ladies can you see your men rocking the new Steampunk style? :)