I had to post this comment left by loyal member flyqtnva. Yesterday she blessed out another member who had the audacity to trample on my freedom of speech rights. And she did it so eloquently! :-)

flyqtnva Says:

Why are people always attacking Sandra for not being a cool aid drinker. I supported Obama, but CLEARLY he has done an ABOUT FACE on SEVERAL ISSUES he said he would take care of. THE FED does own OBAMA…if he was A REAL LEADER he would end the FED ASAP. This is the cause of all our problems. Stop….if u are uneducated get educated….STOP being a CONSUMER (look up definition). Half the stuff OBAMA has signed NO ONE HAS READ!!!!!!!! NOT EVEN HIM!!????? GIVE ME A BREAK…… Sandra is entitled to her opinion. Guess what those of us not drinking the kool aid will be the ones to save you all at the END.

I need more members like flyqtnva, who are not Obamaholics. if you fit that requirement, please send an email to info @ sandrarose.com (remove the spaces) and put “I’m not an Obamaholic!” in the subject line.