Loyal reader Ebony W. wrote:

    Good Afternoon Sandra,

    I knew the comments would be off for this post but I have been waiting for it all day. I am not a kool-aid drinker as you like to call the die-hard Obama stans, but I did vote for him because like it or not, Presidential elections in the US are really just a competition between the lesser of two evils. My eyes are/were wide open regarding his presidency and like Tavis Smiley I think is should be held accountable for his decisions/choices. I didn’t agree with his stance on this particular issue. He signs this Omnibus package with the earmarks because it is for last year’s budget, like that means it doesn’t count.

    This would have been a perfect opportunity for him to show that he means business with changing DC. It may be last year’s budget, but with his signature it becomes a part of his legacy.

    I understand there are earmarks, or thing called earmarks, that are beneficial to different states, but I doubt there 8,500 worth. Let’s be realistic, we only have 50 states plus DC. I wanted to see him do what Kevin Kline did in the movie “Dave”; where he sat in a room with the muckety-mucks of Washington and did a line by line survey of the budget to determine what was needed and what wasn’t. It would not have hurt the country had Obama sat down and did a line by line assessment of this Omnibus bill before signing.

    I am not a republican or a democrat, but I am an American and am unhappy with the direction this country is headed. It is not a republican or democrat issue since both parties are to blame for our current state. As such, we need a leader who is strong enough control the toddlers in the sandbox and make then get along. I still think it is too early to judge Obama’s presidency, but so far, he is not the one.

    Thanks for reading my rant. I love your blog. Keep up the good work!!!