
Yesterday, I received emails and phone calls about a video posted on the Internet and accusations being made against me by photographer Freddy O, who used to take pictures for Sandrarose.com. I want to make you aware of what’s going on so there’s no confusion.

I got a restraining order against Frederick Anderson, aka Freddy O, on July 20 because of his bizarre behavior outside a restaurant two days before. Somehow, Fred was tipped off that my friend and I were coming to the restaurant on Peter street. We arrived around 7:30 p.m. to find Fred pacing outside the restaurant door, camera in hand.

Once he spotted me he started acting like a raving lunatic, screaming and yelling in my face. Of course, there is no video of that encounter.

Fred continuously lunged at me making threatening gestures. My friend — who is not a big girl — had to physically restrain him from entering the restaurant by blocking the door with her body. Fred gave every indication that he was an individual capable of violence. That is why I got the temporary restraining order.

Above is a message sent to me by blogger Stylerazzi on Twitter.com on Saturday, July 18, the same day that Fred made the video that he posted on the Internet. Stylerazzi did not know that the person trying to set me up was Fred.

Apparently, while we were inside, Fred was outside the restaurant twittering and calling other bloggers on his cell phone broadcasting my location. One local blogger (who shall remain nameless) telephoned Stylerazzi in Ohio to ask her to alert me to what was going on in Atlanta outside the restaurant.

Fred waited outside the restaurant for one and a half hours while we were inside — basically stalking us. We initially planned to have a sit-down dinner, but Fred kept sending his cousin inside the restaurant to spy on us. That’s when Stylerazzi sent the urgent messages advising us to leave the restaurant immediately. So we got our order to go.

Once outside, Fred started taking pictures then pursued us down the block hurling false accusations at me. The only reason I remained silent in the video was because of his bizarre behavior earlier in the evening and I didn’t want to set him off again.

In the video, he can be heard saying I won’t answer his phone calls. That’s correct. So why does he keep calling me? I changed my numbers and he somehow got my new numbers and has been calling me harassing me for almost a year now.

Fred is an immature man-child who blames others for all of his problems. If he can’t pay his bills and his cable gets turned off it’s always someone else’s fault. He whines constantly about his problems and expects others to provide a quick solution. Yet when given sound advice he never listens and he never seems to learn from his past mistakes like normal adults.

He has accused me of asking promoters to specifically bar him from their clubs, which is not true. The only club that he can’t get into is the Velvet Room, which has a long standing policy of not allowing other photographers inside the club except for special events.

That policy was in place long before they ever heard of Fred. But in his small mind, he blames me for being unable to get into the Velvet Room. He also accuses me of asking industry people not to hire him for gigs, which again, is not true.

My attorney is fully aware of this entire ordeal. Anything else that I say on this subject will be said in court.

As a private citizen who happens to blog, I have the right to go anywhere in this city without being stalked, harassed, threatened and pursued through the streets by anyone.

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