According to ABC News, prominent evangelist Rev. Franklin Graham (son of evangelist Billy Graham) has weighed in on the Barack Obama faith controversy.

The Rev. Franklin Graham waded into the discussion with his own controversial explanation of why people wrongly believe the president is a Muslim. Graham, who prayed with Obama in a session with his father, Billy Graham, earlier this year, was asked whether he has any doubts about Obama’s self-avowed Christian faith.

“I think the president’s problem is that he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the mother. He was born a Muslim, his father gave him an Islamic name,” Graham told CNN’s John King in a televised interview that aired Thursday night.

“Now it’s obvious that the president has renounced the prophet Mohammed, and he has renounced Islam, and he has accepted Jesus Christ. That’s what he says he has done. I cannot say that he hasn’t. So I just have to believe that the president is what he has said,” Graham continued, adding that “the Islamic world sees the president as one of theirs.” Read More…

As you know, one in five Americans polled said they believe Obama is a Muslim. That accounts for roughly 20% of the population.

The White House responded that Obama is a strict Christian and that he “prays every day.” That may be so, but who is he praying to?

Obama didn’t just up and decide one day to run for president of the United States. His rapid ascension to the White House was carefully planned and executed. Embedded spies are taught to blend in with the population and to assume their habits and rituals so as not to draw attention to himself.

So I am not surprised that Obama renounced Muhammad and converted to practicing the Christian faith by hiding out in Rev. Wright’s church that he rarely attended.

What is surprising to me is that anyone would question the poll numbers, or the intelligence level of those polled. One only has to look to the president’s own words and actions to see why 20% of the people polled are confused about his faith.

Ask yourself these questions:

Does Obama jump at the chance to promote the Jewish or the Buddhist faiths?
Does Obama promote Christianity with the same fervor and passion that he promotes the Muslim faith?
Does Obama have a church home yet?
Has Obama attended a church in the 2 years that he has occupied the White House?

The answers are no, no, yes, no, and very seldom. So why should anybody believe that Obama is a Christian?

Edited at 3:55 PM ET to reflect the fact that Billy Graham is still very much alive (thanks Yvette!)