Occasionally I publish emails from readers who offer opposing views to the ones I express here on Sandrarose.com about U.S. President Barack Obama and his policies. I publish these emails in the interest of fairness, not because I am in agreement with the opinions of the email author. So don’t get it twisted.

Loyal reader Roz B. writes:

I respect your work as a blogger, but I have to ask: have you personally researched the Healthcare law, and all that it entails? It is obvious that you aren’t a “fan” of President Obama, and even his most ardent supporters cannot co-sign everything he does, but this latest Healthcare issue does not mean that Obama doesn’t care about people.

Look – whether we like it, one way or another, we are going to end up paying for somebody else’s healthcare. The crux of the law is to give people some options other than the local emergency room to get care by a doctor instead of letting health issues just ferment. Is it perfect? Of course not! But the fact there are compromises that had to be made shows there are lots of improvements needed on both sides of the aisle. If you look closer, there is no simplistic, one-horse solution. Until Americans stop killing themselves with their addictions, poor eating habits, and lack of exercise and self-care, the price is high all-around.

Big insurance companies do not support the healthcare law, and yet folks earning low wages also don’t: they are fearing death panels and having to deal with socialized medicine, items NOT in the healthcare law. A health insurance company makes its money off of premiums paid in, but denial of coverage going out. This law is trying in some way to hold these companies accountable and making an affordable option that you can have access to, whether you want it or not.

I have only gotten through about 400 pages of the new law, but from what I see, something to start with is better than nothing to begin with, right? Improvements can happen over time, but right now, there are bigger fish to fry. And I wouldn’t be so skeptical of Republican opposition to the law if one of their own didn’t have one almost exactly like it in his state – talking about Mitt Romney.

BTW – I do read your blog every day. Keep it up – we need voices out there!

Roz B.