Remember when Jacob the Jeweler was busted by the feds for helping crime syndicates and drug dealers wash their illegally obtained proceeds? In June 2008, Jacob Arabo was convicted and shipped to a federal prison for two years. He was released in 2010.

Jacob the Jeweler is back in business after paying his debt (and $2 million in fines) to society. Rap mogul Jay Z paid Jacob a visit at his jewelry boutique today in Manhattan.

Today is Jay Z and Beyonce’s 4th wedding anniversary, and Jay Z went to see Jacob to pick up a custom made trinket for her.

As you can imagine, Jacob was very happy to see Jay Z. Business has been slow since the feds raided the once popular celebrity landmark in 2006.

Jigga’s visit to Jacob must be a subtle signal for drug dealers, rappers and athletes to start laundering their cash buying jewelry from Jacob again. You know whatever Jay Z says or does, the other clueless rappers follow his lead.

Jay Z was accompanied by his armed to the teeth bodyguards whose orders are to drop any threat — real or imagined — before they can get within smelling distance of Jay Z.

Jay Z has enemies?

Photos: Jason Winslow-Tom Meinelt/Splash