Police responded to a domestic disturbance call at Katherine Jackson’s residence in Calabasas, California Monday evening.
According to published reports, Janet Jackson faced off with her niece, Paris Jackson, who was spilling family secrets to the world via social networking website Twitter.com. A surveillance video shows Jackson repeatedly attempting to snatch Paris’s cell phone out of her hand. Janet apparently attempted to discipline the impulsive 14-year-old, who thinks she’s grown, but Paris refused to hand her phone over to Janet.
At some point Paris tweeted “Gotta love fam.”
Howard Mann, Katherine’s business partner, says money is tearing the family apart.
Katherine, who is reportedly resting on doctor’s orders in Arizona with oldest daughter Rebbie, has not contacted the younger Jackson children in “8 days and counting,” according to a tweet on Paris’s Twitter page.
“[Katherine] has been resting. The woman is 82 years old. Once in a while, she has to check on her health. Trust me, she is a wonderful,” tweeted family friend and gossip columnist Flo Anthony.
A recent photograph has now emerged showing a smiling Katherine seated at a table playing cards with family members in Arizona.
Janet and her siblings, Rebbie, Tito, Jermaine, Jackie and Randy, who were deliberately left out of the late Michael Jackson’s will, are challenging the will as fake. The siblings wrote a letter to the estate executors asking them to recuse themselves as exuecutors of Michael’s estate.
The messy infighting over Michael’s money went public on Twitter.com over the weekend when Paris tweeted details of the letter and accused her uncles of lying about the will.

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