Over 20,000 people are expected to attend Muslim prayers before the start of the Democratic National Convention on Friday in Charlotte, NC.

Jibril Hough, a spokesman for the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA), said Friday’s prayers are to hold the political parties accountable, and to “anesthetize” Americans who harbor anti-Islamic opinions.

There is no word on if President Obama — who was raised Muslim — will speak at the prayer meeting which will “target the Patriot Act, the NYPD, the National Defense Authorization Act, and anti-Shariah sentiment,” according to The Blaze.

The Blaze points out that a request by a Catholic Cardinal to say a prayer at the 2012 Democratic National Convention was denied. But the DNC is partnering with the Bureau of Muslim Affairs for Friday’s 2-hour Muslim prayer event.

Siraj Wahhaj, the “Grand Imam” for Jumah at the DNC, is quoted as saying, “If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.”

He continued: “Take my word. If 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us.”

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