Valerie Castile

Valerie Castile, the mother of Philando Castile, is very upset about the manner in which journalists and bloggers are reporting the facts about her son.

The still grieving mom emailed on Thursday night to correct information in a post titled “Philando Castile’s Jailed Father Wants His Cut of $3 Million Settlement“.

Philando was shot to death by a trigger-happy former St. Anthony police officer during a traffic stop last year.

The city settled a wrongful death lawsuit with Valerie for $3 million. But Philando’s father, Phelix H. Frazier Sr., who is serving time in federal prison, wants his fair share for donating his sperm (at the very least).

On Thursday, a Minneapolis judge agreed to distribute $2 million to Valerie (after attorney’s fees). The same judge said Mr. Frazier does not qualify for any funds. noted that Mr. Frazier “sired Philando 32 years ago,” but Valerie was adamant that “Mr. Frazier Had NO RELATIONSHIP WITH MY SON!!!”

From: castilev3
Subject: I read your article!!

What I hate most is A journalist NOT Having Their FACTS !! Just to Get A Conversation and Reactions You Add and Subtract Information!!! Mr. Frazier Had NO RELATIONSHIP WITH MY SON!!! No Man or Woman Should Benefit Off Another’s Death When You Help Them In LIFE!!! You Sicken Me !! How Dare You!! Your Chose [sic] Of Words Are Reckless and Tasteless!!

From: castilev3
Subject: RE: I read your article!!

I meant to say When You DON’T help in Life!! There IS NO BATTLE!!
He Has NO STAND!! I Paid the MOST ULTIMATE PRICE!! My First Born ,One and Only Son!! You Need Some Class!!