Stacey Abrams frame

Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams hit the campaign trail for one last campaign push before Election Day.

During a media blitz on several news networks in Atlanta, Abrams addressed a racist robot-call that went out to registered voters, according to the Washington Post.

Someone pretending to be Oprah says, “This is the magical Negro Oprah Winfrey asking you to make my fellow Negress Stacey Abrams the governor of Georgia,” before spewing nearly 60 seconds of racism and anti-Semitism.

Abrams said the robo-calls were a result of “increasing desperation” from people who “prey on people’s fears.”

Her opponent, Republican candidate Brian Kemp denounced the robo-calls as “vile,” “racist” and “absolutely disgusting.”

But Abrams said Kemp’s statements were a little late.

“I think it’s a little late for him to repudiate racist remarks given that he’s stood with someone wearing an anti-Islam T-shirt,” she said on CNN.

“Regardless of any racist tropes that are out there, I believe in what is best for Georgia,” she said on CNN. “Yes, I am changing the face of what leadership looks like, but I’m doing so having the greatest experience of anyone on the ballot.”

Abrams launched a new website for her supporters to upload photos to into a frame similar to the one above. Click here to upload your own photos.

Photos by Zinkevych/Getty Images