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Teachers are being encouraged to use a “Gender Snowperson” graphic to teach students about gender identity in sex education classes.

The gender snowperson image was tweeted by Teacher2Teacher, a left leaning nonprofit organization that provides lesson plans and other resources to teachers.

Teacher2Teacher is sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The organization identified Johnny Cole, a “diversity officer” for the Lexington School District, as the source of the image.

The image shows a genderless snowman on a board accompanied by stickers that explains the gender identity ideology. One sticker says:

“Gender Identity
Girl, Boy, Neither
Who you are and how you feel as a person.”

Another sticker reads:

“Sexual orientation
Who you love or are attracted to”.

A third sticker says:

Sex Assigned at Birth
Girl, Boy, Intersex
Pronoun assigned at birth”.

Twitter users were confused and baffled by the agenda behind the lesson.

“What is the target age for this lesson?” asked one Twitter user.

“This is just awful. This is not something prepubescent children should have to deal with,” wrote another user.

A third user tweeted: “Why is the snowman white?”.