The term jumped the shark was born during an episode of Happy Days when the once cool Fonzie jumped a shark on waterskis.
It’s a term that’s applied when a once popular show or public figure reaches a point where everything they do is dumb and dumber.
If you haven’t been following this ridiculous rap beef between Jay Z and some random DC rapper named Proverb, here’s a little background. And here’s the answer track by this dude Proverb:
PSA Jay Z Diss by Proverb
Jay Z’s over exaggerated sense of self-importance is bordering on the narcissistic. I mean, jumping in the middle of some basketball beef involving a Soulja Boy diss by LeBron James? Come on, how corny is that?
He wouldn’t respond to the charges that he fathered a child and paid the baby mama for her silence, but he’ll respond to this nonsense? How low will this guy stoop for attention? How’s the water, Jay Z?
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