Awhile back I told you about some credible information I received from a source who indicated Usher was still the same ol’ Usher as far as the ladies are concerned.

But I decided not to reveal the information to spare loyal reader Tameka Foster-Raymond the pain of knowing that her man is out there doing what a man does naturally.

Usher seemed to confirm as much when he spoke to Cosmopolitan magazine recently: “I’m good at making love, but I’m not good at being in love. It’s a conscious decision every day to love the person you’re with.”

In my opinion, once a man makes the noble gesture of taking a bride, he shouldn’t have to make a conscious decision or an effort to be faithful to his wife. That should come naturally if he really loves her. His wife should be the center of his Universe. I’m from the old school of thought that says people marry for love and commitment.

It takes a level of maturity to put down the toys and be a man. And Usher has proven that he is not up to the challenge.

Sorry, Tameka.