CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, seen at the Lorraine Motel, near the spot where Martin Luther King, Jr was mortally wounded.

Well, after watching yet another purposeless, pointless and distorted view of black America, here’s what we learned: that beautiful educated black women with everything going for them, can’t find a good black man. So what do they do? They turn to white men, of course.

We also learned that our black children are dumber than any other developing country. And we now know that even if a black man accepts the responsibility of being a single father and raising his kids alone – he still can’t keep a job or pay his bills on time.

And why did CNN feel the need to tap Soledad “I’m black by way of my great, great grandmother on my mammy’s side” O’Brien? You mean CNN couldn’t find one black reporter on its staff to host this show? The minuscule part of O’Brien that is black does not speak for me or to me as a black woman.

Raise your hand if you felt O’Brien was pandering to the blacks on the show?

Anyway, here’s a link to view the entire 2-hour program which aired on CNN last night.