Blogger Ed Dunn, owner of, responded to comments received on this post where I noted Julia Hudson’s affinity for the low life thug mentality:
- My deepest condolence and prayers goes out to the Jennifer/Julia Hudson family and others involved because not many of us can truly understand the pain they are going through right now. To lose a mother and brother so violently, so quickly and not knowing where a young member of your family is devastating and emotionally irreversible. No one can recover from something like that, at best, we can cope with it but we need to count our blessings while we here because no one is guaranteed tomorrow.
Over at, the following comment was made on the blog entry:
According to Illinois Dept. of Corrections, William Balfour, 27, was out on probation after serving 7 years in prison for attempted murder and car jacking. Jennifer’s sister Julia, who is a Chicago bus driver, saw the perfect thug in William with whom she had 7-year-old Julian.
And a few comments reacted to that statement:
The Divine Ms. K Says:
“Horribly sad and prayers out to the family, but why the comment on how Jennifer’s sister saw the ‘perfect thug’ in the brother-in-law? Was that necessary to say?”
dave Says:
“…The perfect thug in Williams, was that really called for?”
To those comments and anyone else who think comments were unnecessary and uncalled for, I’ll be happy to answer that question – you damn right it was necessary and called for to point that out. There is a glorification in the Black community by Black women to date these thug scumbags and try to dismiss good brothas out there. Then when ish goes predictably bad, cats don’t want to talk about it. I’m tired of that kind of nonsense in the Black community – that’s why our communities are so f*cked up because people want to walk around pretending ish, playing with fire and act shocked when things go predictably wrong.
- According to the stuff I’m hearing – William Balfour went to jail for attempted murder and carjacking at the same time Julia Hudson was knocked up with a baby. So some reason or another, later in life, Julia Hudson chose that marginalized brotha even after he proven himself to have no respect for life and other people property. Why she made that move, that is the most important topic we need a discussion about. Most of these sistas have low self-esteem thinking these knuckleheads are all the Black men available and other sistas think it cute to have a “thug boyfriend” as if brothas like me would be intimidated if I decide to holler at her and her fine ass. And from what I’m gathering from Julia Hudson MySpace posting featured in, it appears she think she can “toy” around with a thug, calling him “bitch ass” thinking he won’t explode. See, we can’t ignore the underlying obvious issue that may be the biggest contributing factor to this tragedy that occurred to the Hudson family. had to go there because I hope every Black woman who hear this horrible news and know they in the same situation as Julia Hudson are personally shocked enough to decide these thugs ain’t worth it. Mainstream media don’t address these kind of issues that affect Black women and I appreciate bloggers like that mention real hood topics the greater Black community are too chicken sh*t to address themselves. If a sista decide she going to leave her thug boyfriend because made that comment, done more than the NAACP, National Action Network, Operation Push, Essence Magazine and Nation of Islam combined because yall can’t show me any effort of them explicitly addressing this hug-a-thug issue that eroding the Black community. I really hope this hug-a-thug syndrome actually get addressed by the Black community because it is long overdue and it destroyed too many Black families to continue to ignore.
By the way, I hope that Lauren London chick really think long and hard about that stupid ish she said up in King Magazine about her preference for dating thugs. (Source)