Here are a few pics from Tuesday night’s event at Justin’s Restaurant. Rapper Yung Joc and NFL star Lawyer Milloy and others came out to support the toy?fundraiser for the holidays. The 2ND Annual 1000 TOYS FOR 1000 KIDS TOYRAISER raised over 1000 Toys For 1000 underprivileged kids

Guests were asked to bring new, unwrapped toys or a small cash donation in lieu of toys. A dinner mixer was held afterwards hosted by Joc, Milloy and John Abrahams. Other guests included Sabrina Montgomery (BME Recordings), Emma Beal (Big Sam Security) and Bishop Eddie Long’s son, among others.

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Don’t these kids look a little too old to be playing with toys?

Pictured above:

Sabrina Montgomery (BME Recordings), Edward Long (Bishop Eddie Long’s son) and Emma Beal (Big Sam Security),
Local flavor from Decatur,
Emma Beal, and Lawyer Milloy