Ann Coulter appeared on The View yesterday to promote her new book.
I find it interesting that the controversial right wing author thinks single mothers contribute to the escalating crime rate and the general decline of morals in this country.
And by “single mothers” you know she means black women. Funny thing is, I was going to post a video last week from a brother named Thugtician who basically lectures black men to stay away from black single mothers for the same reasons that Ann Coulter spouts.
Since I’m posting the video from yesterday’s The View, I might as well post his video too.
Thugtician makes some valid points. He theorizes that communities with households run by women tends to breed hordes of aimless, backward, under achieving men with no purpose in life.
On the other hand, in communities where the women know their role and respect the man as the head of the home ….
Never mind. Forget it. In an effort to remain positive and non-opinionated this year, I won’t share my views on this subject.