Barack Obama attempted to quiet the swell of criticism about his open borders policy by diminishing the worldwide concern about a new strain of swine flu coming out of Mexico. Obama states the swine flu hysteria that’s sweeping the nation is “not a cause for alarm.” What is wrong with him?
Although swine flu has been around for decades, this is a deadly new strain of the virus that this country has not seen before. What part of ‘deadly’ is he not understanding?
This virus has been known to kill healthy people within 24 hours. The new strain has already caused over 1,600 infections and 68 deaths in Mexico. New cases are sprouting up in the United States and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has matched the strain to the one in Mexico.
If that’s not a cause for alarm then I don’t know what is. Why doesn’t Obama just step down now since he is clearly in over his head?
President Barack Obama said Monday that the threat of spreading swine flu infections is a cause for concern but “not a cause for alarm” as the United States undertook close border monitoring to contain it.
“The Department of Health and Human Services has declared a Public Health Emergency as a precautionary tool to ensure that we have the resources we need at our disposal to respond quickly and effectively,” Obama told a gathering of scientists, amid increasing worries worldwide about a possible pandemic.
The quickening pace of developments in the United States in response to some 1,600 swine flu infections in neighboring Mexico was accompanied by a host of varying responses around the world. The European Union advised against nonessential travel to the United States and Mexico, China, Taiwan and Russia considered quarantines and several Asian countries scrutinized visitors arriving at their airports. READ MORE…
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