According to DC Black Gay Pride organizers, rapper Wale has abruptly pulled out of a Gay Pride concert as headliner.

Apparently, Wale asked the organizers to hide the fact that the event was part of the Black Gay Pride festivities going on in DC that weekend.

It seems Wale didn’t mind taking the organizer’s cash, he just didn’t want it publicized that he was participating in a “gay” event. But I thought Wale was gay?

Earl Fowlkes, the DC Black Pride board member acting as spokesperson for the nonprofit organization, said Wale’s decision to cancel his appearance was due to homophobia.

”Basically we had an agreement, and we were very clear to the different parties and agents involved that this was an LGBT event,” Fowlkes says. ”What happened is that when the first blast went out that Wale was going to be at Black Pride he got cold feet, and his agent first said Wale wasn’t available because he had to do family stuff. Then we got another e-mail saying he didn’t know what kind of event this was when he agreed to it.”

According to an e-mail from Jesse Kirshbaum, a talent agent representing Wale… his client took the [gig] because it was a local Washington event, but that he was ”mislead.”

”All of the facts of the event were not disclosed with the offer and therefore, he feels mislead and regretfully declines.”
Fowlkes says that is not true. ”We said, ‘We told you up front, how could we hide that DC Black Pride is LGBT?”’ Fowlkes says. ”They just said he couldn’t do it. So it basically is homophobia rearing its ugly head once again, and on our 20th anniversary, it’s really sad.”