Even the most staunchest supporters of U.S. President Barack Obama can tell things are not the same as they were back in 2008 when Obama was Winning.
Over the weekend, Obama posted a campaign Launch video on his website announcing his $1 billion 2012 election bid. The video was replete with bucolic scenes of middle America and the rural countryside. Somber white people reminisced over the “underdog senator” and the “changes that we’ve seen in the last two and a half years.”
What changes, you ask?
Well, I did note one major change from the first time Obama ran for president. That change is seen at the 1-minute mark of the video when a black woman appears onscreen and parrots the same tired excuse we’ve heard over and over again since Obama was sworn in as president.
“Alice” from Michigan reminds us that “President Obama is one person.” Her appearance in the video is in stark contrast to Obama’s past campaign videos where there was nary a black face to be found.
Alice might as well have said, ‘Obama desperately needs us blacks this time around.’
Obama’s arrogance allowed him to largely ignore the black community in 2008. But expect to see a lot more black faces in Obama’s $1 billion campaign bid to keep his job. In coining the election phrase, “It Begins With Us” — Obama knows that in 2012, he won’t win reelection without at least acknowledging black people.