Beyonce’s low budget music video for her single “1+1” off her album ‘4’ debuted earlier today. In the opening scene, Beyonce appears in close up as her skin shimmers under the hot lights, giving the illusion that she’s covered in bacon grease.

Bey’s normally coifed lacefront is damp and lays matted on her face. The overdone visuals are redundant rather than sensual and seductive as intended. The entire video treads a fine line between campy and cheesy as the director borrows heavily from Bey’s previous videos.

There’s the obligatory lacefront caught in the wind tunnel scene.

Then there’s the Bey wearing full makeup in the shower scene.

It seems Beyonce and her director had great ideas for the video, but they couldn’t pull their ideas off with the budget they had to work with. I guess that explains the bacon grease?