Channel 2 News reporter Liz Artz and photographer Justin Crate became part of the news when they stumbled upon a pickup truck blocking the right northbound lane on the Buford Connector shortly before 4 p.m. Saturday. Video shot by Crate shows the unidentified driver slumped over his steering wheel and drooling.
Artz called 911, and a Georgia Department of Transportation Highway Emergency Response Operator (HERO) was the first to arrive at the scene. The HERO operator succeeded in awakening the driver from his slumber. The driver then began to tussle with the HERO operator before speeding off in his truck. The driver drove a short distance north on the Buford Connector before crashing into two cars.
The HERO operator caught up with the driver and snatched his keys out of the ignition. The man exited the vehicle and clambered up an embankment, climbed a tree and hopped over a fence. Police are still searching for the driver.
The entire incident was caught on video and aired on Channel 2 News.
In his report, the HERO operator noted that he “did not smell any odor of an alcoholic beverage,” but the driver did remind him of a diabetic.
If the driver had been experiencing a hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) episode, he certainly would not have had the strength to run from the scene or climb a tree. It’s probably more likely that the driver was on drugs.
Which brings us to the bizarre episode that took place in the Rose Garden during President Obama’s ACA desperation press conference yesterday.
A pregnant blogger who wrote a favorable post on ObamaCare was invited to attend the press afternoon conference.
The pregnant blogger was a sight to behold: she wore a bright red LOOK-AT-ME dress and her hair was wet and matted to her skin.
As if on cue, the blogger, who was positioned conveniently directly behind the president, began to swoon and sway. Then Obama turned toward the blogger — and, again, as if on cue, the blogger leaned backwards as the other attendees laughed. The president reached out to catch the blogger, but instead of showing concern for her, he turned to the cameras and cracked jokes!
“This happens when I talk too long,” he said.
Later, it was revealed that the pregnant blogger was a longtime type 1 diabetic, which means she requires insulin to regulate her blood sugar after eating. It seems rather odd that a lifelong diabetic still can’t manage her blood sugar levels adequately?
Social media users immediately began questioning whether the incident in the Rose Garden was staged. Of course it was staged.
It is typical of Obama to manipulate the press when his approval ratings take a nosedive. If this blogger was really having a hypoglycemic attack, there is no way she would have walked off laughing. In fact, she would have been carried out of the Rose Garden.
Watch videos of both incidents below.