Here’s a parody video of the controversial “I’m not GAY no more” video that seemed to upset straights and gays alike. For some reason people have a hard time believing a gay man can turn his life around and decide not to give in to his unnatural urges.
If you notice, the criticism and outrage is almost entirely aimed at black gay men who convert back to heterosexual.
Society seems to have an easier time dealing with black men who are gay or cross dressers. They’d rather see strong black men as limp wrested caricatures of what black men should be.
So when a gay black man decides to turn his life around and go straight, he is met with hatred and mistrust. Black women like this one here question his sincerity — as if it’s so difficult to believe that a man wants to be what he was born to be: a man.
Watch the parody and the original videos below.