Songbird Ciara is back in the studio after spending nearly a year raising her infant son Zahir Future Harris. Zahir’s father, virile rapper Future Hendrix, moved on quickly when CiCi made the mistake of believing he was ready to stop sowing his wild oats.
To mark this latest blunder in her pursuit of intimacy, Ciara released a break up single titled “I Bet”.
“I bet you’ll start loving me/ Soon as I start loving someone else/ Somebody better than you,” she sings.
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The 29-year-old releases her brand new single titled “I Bet,” produced by Harmony Samuels and co-written with Rock City. A soft mid-tempo tune, CiCi takes aim at a past lover for not fully appreciating her. Immediately, Ciara’s relationship with her ex-fiancee Future comes to mind, after reports the couple called off their engagement last year.
“I imagine this song (‘I Bet’) will be very meaningful for a lot of people. It is much bigger than any one person’s experience,” Ciara tells Billboard, who premiered the song.
Ciara goes on to say she named her album after her mother, who probably begged her not to date Future.

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