American President Barack Obama was rudely interrupted at a White House LGBT reception last night in Washington, D.C.
As Mr. Obama brushed his shoulders off, reminding everyone of the great strides he has made for gay people, a loud heckler stood up and chastised him for not doing enough to stop deportations of illegal gays and transsexuals back to Mexico.
Mr. Obama, who some say was drunk, quickly sized up the man in the dress.
“Hold on a sec,” said Obama, waving a finger. “Okay, you know what — no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no,” he said, as the cross-dresser continued to shout.
“Hey, listen, you are in my house,” said Obama, slurring his words. “You know know what? It’s not respectful when you get invited to somebody…” he said as the female impersonator continued to rant.
Obama, who is rumored to be bisexual, seemed perturbed that one of his own ilk was disrespecting him at his gay reception.
“Shame on you, you shouldn’t be doing this,” said Obama, whose wife is out of the country on yet another vacation without him.
“Can we escort this person out? Can we have this person removed please?” Obama said to the Secret Service as they stood looking at each other.
Finally the Secret Service moved to eject the transsexual, who continued to scream as he was escorted out.
The audience started booing at either Obama or the heckler — it was hard to tell which one.
A press release from gay rights organization GetEQUAL later identified the heckler as Jennicet Gutiérrez, a cross-dresser who is an illegal alien.
It didn’t take long before pundits began questioning how an illegal alien cross-dresser can gain access to the White House while the rest of is can’t even get an invite.
And in case you’re wondering, Gutiérrez was not escorted to the border.

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