Toy manufacturer Mattel, Inc. launched a new campaign to convince black mothers to buy Barbie dolls for their sons. The new commercial features an effeminate Caucasian boy playing with a black Moschino Barbie doll.
The commercial shows the little boy and and 2 girls having a playdate with their expensive high fashion Barbie dolls. The little boy plays with his black high fashion Barbie while he serves face and throws out gay lingo such as “Moschino Barbie is so fierce!”
The commercial was an immediate hit with the gay community and their LGB supporters. They dismiss criticism from parent groups, saying the boy is not “acting gay” and gender is non sexual.
But the emphasis on the black Barbie doll is just the latest in the Gay Agenda’s campaign to feminize black boys and to normalize homosexuality in the black community.
What do you think of Mattel’s commercial? Do you plan to buy your son a Moschino Barbie for Christmas?