U.S. President Barack Obama agreed to pose for the cover of OUT magazine. No one is surprised. The president is a gay activist who has done more to promote the Gay Agenda than any other prescient. He is also rumored to be bisexual.

Obama flip flopped on the debate over gay marriage after he was reelected in 2008, We later learned that he always intended to push for legalizing gay marriage. In other words, Obama lied to the American people.

Last month, Obama’s Department of Education forced an Illinois school to let a transvestite boy shower naked with girls.

The school district initially allowed the boy to use the girls showers as long as he showered behind a privacy curtain. But that wasn’t enough for Obama.

It didn’t matter to Obama that the boy will expose his penis to underage girls. Obama wants to elevate the rights of female impersonators over the privacy rights of girls.

“All students deserve the opportunity to participate equally in school programs and activities – this is a basic civil right,” Assistant U.S. Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon said in a statement Monday.