Stephen Curry’s female fans woke up to find his nudes all over their Twitter timelines this morning. Suffice it to say they are not impressed by what they see.
The NBA superstar has some explaining to do after his nudes were allegedly leaked online by a former lover who attempted to shop the pics around, but received no bids.

It’s unclear if Curry’s former lover is male or female or whether he cheated on his wife, Ayesha Curry.
The collection of photos shows Curry in various stages of arousal. In one suspect photo, Curry stands against a wall facing a man while holding a towel over his genitals.
Curry is the second celebrity to be the subject of ridicule and scorn because he doesn’t measure up to his fans’ expectations.
Rapper A$AP Rocky deleted his sex tape after he received terrible reviews for his “weak” stroke game.
But no one expected to see the day when Curry’s nudes would leak. The NBA MVP is well-respected as a family man and a Christian.
A male Warriors fan tweeted:
“Saw Steph Curry was trending, and thought he was making progress from his injury, so I clicked on it. Worst decision of my life. I’m getting a lobotomy now.”
And another user tweeted, “Steph Curry Nudes Leaked before Ayesha’s.”
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