Gender confusion, also known as Gender Identity Disorder (GID) or Gender Dysphoria, is a psychological diagnosis that has taken on a trendy new meaning, thanks to Hollywood liberals.
GID is a mental disorder that describes a male or female who identifies with the traits and behaviors of the opposite sex. They typically experience a deep discomfort with their own biological sex.
GID can affect children, adolescents, teenagers and adults who believe they are the opposite sex “trapped in the wrong body.”
People who suffer from GID should not to be confused with cross dressers or transvestites who share an affinity for wearing stereotypical feminine attire and accessories.
Transsexuals have undergone sex change operations to remove their genitals or breasts. The procedures are known as top surgery and bottom surgery. The goal of the surgeries is to help them “pass” socially as the opposite sex.
Studies show that 80% to 90% of all transgenders who were diagnosed as children outgrow their disorder as adults and revert back to their biological sex.
Unfortunately, many of these children were given powerful sex hormones which permanently altered their voices, breasts and genitals. More surgeries are necessary to reverse these changes.
Sex Hormones
The singular purpose of sex hormones is to prepare humans for reproduction. Powerful sex hormones should never be administered to children.
In females, sex hormones prepares the lining of the uterus to receive the fertilized egg for implantation. In males, sex hormones changes physical characteristics such as deepens a boy’s voice and grows facial hair to make males more sexually appealing to females for the purpose of procreation.
Without testosterone, estrogen would be a male’s dominant hormone, meaning men would have the same physical characteristics as females. Since most females are not attracted to other females, the human race would be extinct.
Male sex hormones should not be given to girls to make girls more appealing to other females because females can not impregnate each other. A man does not need breasts because men can’t lactate, give birth, or breastfeed a baby.
GID is diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist, who conducts an interview with the patient to determine the level of discomfort the patient feels. A detailed history is taken and the doctor may speak with the patient’s family members.
Treatment for GID is often discouraged by liberals and LGBT+ groups who believe being transgender is normal (good) and any form of therapy for transgender children is harmful (bad).
Children are encouraged to declare themselves transgender even if they don’t fit the symptoms specified by The Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V).
Children who suffer from GID often suffer from secondary comorbid mental problems such as depression, anxiety, borderline sociopathy and narcissism. If these comorbid problems are not treated, the child can turn to self-harming behaviors or suicide.
If a child is lucky enough to be seen by a therapist, the child will undergo individual psychosocial therapy sessions to help them identity positively with their biological gender.
Transsexual adults often request hormones and surgeries to alter their external bodies.
Detransitioning is a dirty word in the LGBT+ community. Thousands of “transgender” children who were prescribed hormones have stopped taking the chemicals due to the harsh side effects.
There are as many “detransitioning” videos on YouTube as there are transitioning videos.
This has been your Medical Minute.
More Info On the Web
Gender Identity Development in Children |
Gender Confused Children |
Gender Identity Disorder | Free Dictionary

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