Porsha Williams teared up while discussing racism in America and the ongoing George Floyd protests.
“Extra” spoke to Porsha, who recently attended protests in Atlanta.
Overcome with emotion, she said, “It’s just difficult to keep waking up and seeing more and more death.
“More black people being killed and even more and more white people being mistreated at the protests. It’s just hard to wake up and see what we’re dealing with.”

Porsha said her 15-month-old daughter, Pilar Jhena, is part of the driving force to fight for change, explaining, “When I see my daughter, it’s just like… ‘I’m gonna fight. I’m gonna push.’ I don’t want her to have to deal with this. I don’t want anyone to have to deal with this, honestly,” she said tearfully.
The 38-year-old took to social media to explain how she and others were tear-gassed by police on the frontlines of an Atlanta protest.
“That was just awful. It really was… It was disheartening to be out there and try to be heard and wanted to send this powerful message that we are standing together in a visual way… And to be gassed felt like I was being silenced.”

The reality star, who has been active with Black Lives Matter in both Breonna Taylor and Floyd’s cases, vowed to keep fighting emphasizing, “It was tough for me to go back out there after that. It was a bit traumatizing. But I’ll tell you what it really taught me is that protesting is a real thing… You are definitely putting your life on the line.”
“I am a black woman and I’m always gonna be proud of that,” Williams continued. “And I’m always going to stand… with my people against injustice.”
On a lighter note, Porsha is getting ready to celebrate her birthday. “My birthday is coming up June 22 — that’s exciting. I’ll be 39, closer to 40.”