If you are a Georgia homeowner, you probably have a Bermuda grass lawn. Bermuda grass is the preferred lawn turf in Georgia.
Bermuda grass is actually a type of weed. It is very hard to kill and once it establishes itself in a neighborhood, it tends to take over other types of turf lawns.
Ron Henry is a Bermuda grass expert who dedicates his YouTube channel to helping home owners transform their ugly lawns to a golf course lawn like his.
Ron’s 11 sq. ft. lawn in North Georgia is the envy of the neighborhood! But you too can have a golf course lawn.
As Ron says, the secret is in the mowing. 80% of achieving a beautiful golf course lawn is using the right mower.
If you’re a Bermuda grass lawn novice like me, you will appreciate Ron’s tips on turning your ugly Bermudagrass lawn into a golf course lawn.
The comments are off in this post. Ron is happy to answer all your Bermuda grass questions on his YouTube channel.