It’s spring and that means it’s time to feed your Bermuda grass lawn to encourage green growth all summer long.
Bermuda grass is a warm season grass that grows in the southern region of the United States.
Bermuda grass is a nitrogen hog that sucks up 2 to 4 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet per growing season.
Be careful how you apply nitrogen fertilizer to your lawn. quick release nitrogen can burn your lawn!
Your auntie always sends a sample of soil to a lab for a complete soil analysis before I apply fertilizer to my Bermuda grass lawn.

I use Mysoiltesting.com because it’s easy and the soil analysis is available to view online in less than a week.
My soil analysis report shows that the PH and NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) levels are within normal range. But the soil is very low in all of the micronutrients (iron, zinc, copper, boron, magnesium, etc.).
I had the same problem last year, so I visited Ron Henry‘s YouTube channel to check out his video on applying micronutrient fertilizers.
Ron is a Bermuda grass expert who dedicates his YouTube channel to helping home owners grow golf course lawns.
Ron covers the basics, such as the equipment you’ll need, the proper mixing ratio and application rate to ensure that you get the best results.
Use a 3 or 4 gallon hand pump sprayer if a battery operated sprayer is not within your budget.
Watch Ron’s video below.