Letitia Wright deleted her social media accounts after she refused to apologize for questioning the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine.
Wright deleted all of her social media accounts after receiving backlash from Twitter’s cancel culture for sharing an anti-vaccine video that questioned the safety of the mRNA vaccines.
The Black Panther star deleted her original tweet and defended her decision to post the anti-vaxxer video, which was titled, ‘COVID-19 VACCINE, SHOULD WE TAKE IT?’

She wrote: “My intention was not to hurt anyone, my ONLY intention of posting the video was it raised my concerns with what the vaccine contains and what we are putting in our bodies. Nothing else.”
In an earlier tweet, she wrote: “if you don’t conform to popular opinions. but ask questions and think for yourself … you get canceled.”

Wright’s former co-star Don Cheadle, pictured on a power walk with his girlfriend Bridgid Coulter, criticized Wright on social media after he viewed the video, according to Rhymeswithsnitch.
The Iron Man star retweeted Wright, captioning his post, “bye, letitia.”
He later clarified that he hadn’t seen Wright’s original tweet before he got caught up in the backlash and overreacted.
An Instagram search for Wright’s name reveals the message: “Sorry, this page isn’t available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed. Go back to Instagram.”
And a search on Twitter brings users to a page which states: “This account doesn’t exist. Try searching for another.”