Cosmopolitan magazine has come under fire for promoting obesity as healthy.
Cosmopolitan UK‘s February 2021 issue features plus-size women on multiple covers, including influencer Callie Thorpe and yoga teacher Jessamyn Stanley, under the headline “This is healthy!”
The magazine shares the stories of “11 women who prove wellness isn’t ‘one size fits all.'”
But social media users criticized the magazine for sending the wrong message.
Conservative activist Candace Owens slammed Cosmo for celebrating obesity in a Twitter post.
“We must fight to protect the next generation of children who are being intentionally targeted and brainwashed with lies.
Women can be men?
Men can be women?
And now—obesity is “healthy”?NO, it’s not. Clinical obesity is the main cause of the America’s #1 killer: heart disease.”
According to Healthline, 36.5 percent of adults are obese. More than two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese.
Obesity is linked to more than 60 chronic diseases include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancers that can lead to preventable, premature death.
Obesity is expensive to treat
Obesity costs Americans $147 billion each year in out-of-pocket expenses.
All 50 states have obesity rates over 20 percent
Just two decades ago, no state had obesity rates over 15 percent.
The South has the highest obesity rates
West Virginia leads with 37.7 percent of adults overweight and morbidly obese.
Obese individuals miss more work
Obese workers cost employees more in lost production time and higher insurance premiums.
Obesity is largely preventable
The good news is obesity is preventable by eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly. Obesity is beautiful when a woman’s weight is proportionate to her height and bone mass, i.e. thick sistas.