A cleanup organizer described the third world conditions that exist at the Haitian immigrant encampment under the Del Rio international bridge.
John Rourke, who organizes cleanups around the world, appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show on Wednesday.
Rourke said he was disturbed by the unsanitary conditions where thousands of Haitians live in squalor under the bridge.
He said his organization picked up thousands of pounds of garbage from under the bridge.

Rourke described Haitians using sticks and branches to build makeshift lean-to shelters under trees near the bridge. The migrants were forced to move because the mounds of smelly garbage attracted flies, coyotes, roaches, and red ants.

“Let me tell you what I saw,” Rourke told Tucker.
“I saw people washing babies in the Rio Grande.
“I saw ladies breastfeeding babies, sleeping in dirt, 107 degrees outside, red ants everywhere, real coyotes – the ones that have four legs walking around.
“People are literally knocking down trees and setting up lean-tos and teepees and sleeping under those.”

Over 15,000 Haitians made the perilous journey from South America and Mexico after messages on What’s app told them U.S. Pres. Joe Biden would treat them kindly and give them jobs.
On the last leg of the trip – crossing the Rio Grande in knee-deep water – they were met by Border Patrol agents who herded them back into the murky water.

Viral photos and videos of Border Patrol agents on horseback chasing frightened Haitian people sparked outrage around the world.

After nearly a week of silence on the issue, Congresswoman Maxine Waters stepped in front of cameras on Wednesday to rail against the Biden administration.
Using strong language, Waters said “I’m pissed!”. She called out the Biden administration for “taking us back to slavery days.”
“I’m unhappy, and I’m not just unhappy with the cowboys who were running down Haitians and using their reins to whip them — I’m [unhappy] with the [Biden] administration.
“We are following the Trump policy. He is the one that does not follow the Constitution and would not allow those seeking refuge to be able to petition to get into the country.
What the HELL are we doing here?”

Waters addressed Pres. Joe Biden directly.
“We’re saying to the president and everybody else: you’ve got to stop this madness!”
She concluded by urging reporters to “write the story” about the horrific treatment of Black people by the current administration.
“Write the story! Tell the story about what is going on and let people know that they’re trying to take us back to slavery days!”
Watch the video below.