A 1st grade teacher is being dragged on Twitter for discussing her lifestyle with her 6-7 year old students.
Professor Nalo tweeted:
“My students call me Professor Nalo because I prefer not to use Mrs. or Mr. in my classroom. I teach all subjects as a 1st grade teacher, but my favorite moments are always when my students ask about my queerness.
“I was asked recently during a podcast interview why i don’t use Mrs. or Mr. to refer to myself, and I asked her why I needed to. She said “don’t you think it’ll be hard for children to adjust?
“But the truth is, it has never been children that struggle with adjusting to the complexities of human experiences. My students are 6-7 years old and they are still steeped in the magic of curiosity.
“My students know about and have met my wife at school, they know I’m queer, and the turtles will call ANYBODY out for calling me “mrs” anything. I told them my story once & never needed to say it again. If only adults adjusted as quickly and easily, it may save many of our lives.”
My students call me Professor Nalo because I prefer not to use Mrs. or Mr. in my classroom. I teach all subjects as a 1st grade teacher, but my favorite moments are always when my students ask about my queerness. ?? pic.twitter.com/ZjfIS6z852
— Nalo ? (@kingnalodarling) November 27, 2021
One parent wrote: “I’d take my children out of your class in a heartbeat! Your personal life isn’t necessary to six year olds or anyone you’re teaching for that matter!”
A mom of twins tweeted: “Why would discussing your sexuality with CHILDREN ever be ok? Why would discussing this with small children bring you pleasure and be your favorite moments?”
Another person wrote: “No 1st grader has ever asked about ‘queerness’ unless they’ve been told about it beforehand.”
And one person accused Nalo of indoctrinating children: “Sounds pretty pedo to me. You shouldn’t be discussing sexuality with any children.”
Question: Should teachers discuss their sexual lifestyles with 1st graders?
I'd take my children out of your class in a heartbeat! Your personal life isn't necessary to six year olds or anyone you're teaching for that matter!
— Becca Noel (@becpak12) November 29, 2021
So my daughter is named Nalo and she absolutely loves playing teacher. I cannot wait to tell her about you, Professor Nalo!
— Liza (@zealousidler) November 28, 2021
Gotta indoctrinate them young right pRoFeSsOr???
— smoke grass eat ass (@CrimsonRacc) November 28, 2021
Why would discussing your sexuality with CHILDREN ever be ok? Why would discussing this with small children bring you pleasure and be your favorite moments?
— Tammy Holt (@tammymomoftwins) November 28, 2021
I mean one of my favorite teachers growing up was lesbian, and her wife would often assist teaching the classroom. She would often get asked about having a wife, and the lasting impression she gave me allowed me to understand that queer people are human too.
— SocDeMMA?? (@deadeye_64) November 29, 2021
No way they are asking you that without you prompting them to be inquisitive about it. Kids of that age do not have that curiosity unless someone flaunts it to them (like you). I thank God that my kids are nowhere near you or your “teaching”!
— MJ52 (@MJ52MJ52) November 28, 2021
From the age of 5 until now, I never not once asked my teachers about their sex lives and they never not once told me about their sex lives
Because "this crayon is orange" is completely independent of your queerness & should remain so— Stress Judo Coaching (@stressjudo) November 28, 2021
Every teacher I've ever had has mentioned their spouse and children. Many have had their spouses come in and help out. Sexuality /= sex. Kids are curious about those around them and ask about teacher's personal lives constantly.
— god is change. (@TZCarbin) November 28, 2021
Sounds pretty pedo to me. You shouldn't be discussing sexuality with any children
— McKayla J (@McKaylaRoseJ) November 28, 2021