Rapper Joey BADA$$ (left) returned to Twitter after a long hiatus to spark controversy with his first tweet.
Joey weighed in on Tristan Thompson‘s paternity drama after the 30-year-old NBA star confessed to fathering a child with a fitness trainer.
The baby boy, who was born in Dec. 1, is Tristan’s 3rd child by three women (that we know of).
RELATED: Tristan Thompson Admits Fathering Fitness Trainer’s Baby
Joey, who last tweeted on Nov. 13, called Tristan a gyalis — a Jamaican patois term for a player or a man who enjoys more than one female partner at a time.

Joey tweeted:
“Tristian Thompson gotta stop being a sorry ass n***a. Tell Khloe you’re a f****** gyalist and you need more than one woman. Straight up. Whats so hard about being honest with our women fellas? F*** this western bulls**t. Relationships should be expansive and beneficial for all [sic].”
Joey followed up his tweet by explaining that men should be honest with women about their true nature.
“Most of us have been in polyamorous relationships our whole lives. The only difference is we weren’t honest about it. But if you’ve ever been sexually involved with someone non-exclusively, guess what, you’re polyamorous.”
Joey is right: men are naturally polygamous. It’s in the Bible that men should be fruitful and multiply. But that doesn’t fly in today’s female-dominated society.
Joey’s female followers were mostly in disagreement.
“Jessica” wrote:
“Loud and WRONG! Polyamory – means many loves. You’re not in a polyamorus relationship if you are not honest you’re simply a cheater.
You’re only in a polyamorus relationship if all partners are consenting and intentional in the relationships.”
it’s different from a woman’s perspective. tristan is THE worst type of man, poly relationships is all about trust and building foundation so if someone lies it’s not polygamy, it’s cheating
— nimz ????? (@bvlgaricudii) January 4, 2022
I personally am too selfish for polyamorous relationships…just as their are animals that are monogamous like turtle doves and bonobos monkeys that are polyamorous there are humans that fit in those different categories ?????
— jazzythoughts llc (@jazzythoughts1) January 4, 2022
Being poly and being in an open relationship are two different things tho..even poly relationships have boundaries and can include more than one man or woman. Men need to just be honest with their lack of sexual control, THAT IS NOT love.
— Gädes (@westcoastputa) January 5, 2022
If men lack sexual control, woman lack choice(of partner/s) control and both need to be reconciled and resolved.
— TranMYser (@TranMYser) January 5, 2022
I’m first generation Ghanaian and I can tell you that multiple wives thing is bullshit fam. No one talks about the attachment issues the kids face along with the confusion and the disrespect the wives face
— Kofi Kwarteng (@blackcaseworker) January 4, 2022
I’m glad he said this. Women say they want a high value man all the time but they don’t realize high value men cheat. If u want a high value man u have to accept the fact he is dealing with other women besides u. This is exactly what Kevin Samuels has been trying to tell y’all
— AllenCarterMusic (@allencarterOG) January 4, 2022
High value men are not cheaters and liars. Yall keep confusing high value with high earning.
— FLOWER (ZELDA) (@Cleopatra_waves) January 5, 2022