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Black women have apparently abandoned Bishop TD Jakes’ megachurch after he said they are too independent and trying to be men.

In a Father’s Day sermon, Bishop Jakes told his parishioners that we are losing the Black family because women no longer value their own femininity.

“Your self-esteem is compromised when you have to ask your wife for lunch money,” he said. “This breaks all sociological orders of the culture we’re living in now.”

“Because we are raising up women to be men! And you are not applauded for your femininity. You are applauded in the contemporary society by how tough, rough, nasty, mean, aggressive, hateful, possessive you are. And you’re climbing the corporate ladder, but we are losing our families!”

Since then there are many empty seats in Jakes’s church on Sundays, according to MTO News.

In the images, obtained by MTO News, entire sections of the church were completely empty. Producers of TD Jakes’ livestream apparently moved the congregation into a single section to make the church appear to be full.

Watch the video below.

YouTube video