NeNe Leakes‘ son Brentt Leakes, 23, suffered a heart attack and stroke and is now on the road to recovery, TMZ reports.
It is not known if Brentt is vaccinated.
Sources tell TMZ Brentt was hospitalized for several days earlier this month after suffering both a heart attack and a stroke.
Brentt is now at home recuperating. Sources say his mother is hopeful he will make a full recovery.
NeNe’s husband, Gregg, who is also Brentt’s father, died last year after a long battle with colon cancer.
Brentt and his older brother, Bryson, appeared with their mother on episodes of Real Housewives of Atlanta over the years.
Brentt was the good son who stayed out of trouble and never gave his mom reason to worry.
He portrays himself as a ladies man with a preference for luxury cars on his Instagram @kingbrentt.