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A South Carolina lawmaker introduced a resolution to place a bust of Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy on “permanent display” in the U.S. Capitol Building.

The proposal, introduced by Republican House Rep. Joe Wilson on Monday would direct the Fine Arts Board to commission a bust of Zelenskyy “for display in the House of Representatives wing of the United States Capitol.”

The bust would be paid for by US taxpayers who have already sent more than $100 billion in cash and weapons to Ukraine.

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“Resolved, that the House of Representatives directs the Fine Arts Board to obtain a bust of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, for display in a suitable, permanent location in the House of Representatives wing of the United States Capitol,” the resolution states.

One Republican House rep. scoffed at the proposal.

“There is now a House resolution that seeks to put a display of Zelenskyy’s head in the US Capitol. Was the $100+ billion to Ukraine not enough?,” Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., said in a Tweet on Wednesday.

Lawmakers gave Zelenskyy a hero’s welcome when he traveled to DC to speak before Congress in December. He was in DC to beg Congress to send more weapons and billions amid the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia.