A Target employee says someone is erasing Black History Month facts she writes on a whiteboard.
In a TikTok post that is going viral, Orquinazia Scott says every day she writes informative facts about Black History Month on a whiteboard. But her facts are erased daily.
“Ya’ll, the thing don’t even be staying up for 24 hours,” says Scott in her video.
She said the first fact she wrote, about how a Black man influenced Elvis Presley’s dancing, was erased. Scott said she attempted to keep the facts “light and airy.”
In her original video, Scott said she wouldn’t let whoever was erasing the facts deter her from continuing to enlighten her co-workers.

“So tonight, I’m [going] to put up yet another Black history fact, and if I come back tomorrow, and it’s erased – not by me – it’s gon’ be a problem.”
The next day, the fact was again erased from the whiteboard. So, Scott used a permanent marker on the whiteboard to prevent people from erasing it.
“Y’all keep trying to erase our history, but I can do this all day,” Scott says in the video.
In a follow-up video, Scott said the whiteboard was removed.
Scott said a friend told her the store’s human resources employee named “Ashley,” is the culprit. Scott confronted Ashley, who claimed someone else took the whiteboard.
“I was just too stunned to speak,” Scott said. “She’s not even white y’all.”
Black History Month in America is in February — the shortest month of the year.
Watch the videos below.
@orquinaziascott I feel like the being passive aggressively racist .. idk????????? ##blackpower##blackhistorymonth##Thewhitemanwontkeepmedown##strongblackwomen ? original sound – Orquinazia Scott
@orquinaziascott Thats how i know it’s intentional.. yall couldnt even leave “happy black history month” up ? .. #fyp #theWhiteManIsMad #Blm #blacktiktok ? original sound – Orquinazia Scott