The mixed race population in America has grown a whopping 276% since the last census was done, yet mixed race people are still underrepresented in retail.
One New York-based brand strives to empower and uplift others who are struggling with their mixed race identity.
Mosaic the Label, founded by a biracial entrepreneur and mother, is creating a space for those who want to find and solidify their place in a world “that often asks us to just pick one”.

“I want my daughter and others like her to see their whole self reflected in the world, and know that they never have to ‘just pick one’ side of themselves,” explained Mosaic founder Brittany Pogue-Mohammed Acosta.
This Mother’s Day, Mosaic the Label celebrates the diversity of mixed moms and moms of mixed kids!
Brittany also maintains a blog dedicated to empowering mixed race people.

In one blog, titled “Traveling As a Mixed Race Family,” Brittany described taking a trip to London with her uncle, who is darker than she is.
“I remember traveling with my Uncle to England; he was a darker shade of brown than me, I was in college and he was in his 50’s. Leaving NYC was no problem but trying to get into London was not so easy.
The customs agent began to go down a line of questions that assumed I was being kidnapped/trafficked. Thank God I was older and could speak for myself but it flustered my Uncle who was an immigrant and conscious of his accent (and his skin color especially while abroad). We were finally able to move through but not before I told the lady what it was in my finest NYC attitude.”
In her blog post, Brittany offered helpful tips to mixed race families traveling abroad.

In her online shop, Brittany sells affirming products for mixed race kids to express their individuality, such as this Kid’s Biracial Figures T-Shirt that’s a best seller.
On the hunt for a Mother’s Day gift that’s as unique as she is? Shop online at Mosaic the Label.
Mosaic the Label believes in celebrating and uplifting racially and ethnically diverse individuals through products that are beautiful, thoughtful, and fun!
FYI: Sandrarose.com did not receive compensation, products or service for this post.