The California House passed a bill requiring judges to consider a defendant’s race when sentencing in criminal cases.
The bill is currently being considered in the California Senate, according to Fox News.
California bill AB 852 will allow judges to “rectify racial bias” in the criminal justice system, in accordance with the state’s reparations task force recommendations.
The bill was introduced in February by State Rep. Reggie Jones-Sawyer, a Democrat, as part of the “reparations” package recently proposed by the task force.
The law would allow judges to give Black people lighter sentences in criminal cases.
Twitter reacted with outrage to the news.
Just when you think California has done everything they can do to destroy the California, they now want to introduce RACE BASED SENTENCING. If you're black in California you would get a reduced sentence and everyone else would get the full sentence. Now that's racism!!
— John Rainwater (@JohnRain4131) July 11, 2023
A California bill says judges should consider race in sentencing… because that’s clearly not racist at all
— Oh Bette ? (@bette_oh) July 11, 2023
Question… The bill in California would mandate that judges to consider race when doling out prison sentences? I thought the NAACP fought for years to keep race out of the courts for sentences?
— Dave70 (@Dave7064012139) July 12, 2023