A locksmith is seen changing the locks on Sascha Jovanovic’s guesthouse after police escorted “Airbnb’s Tenant From Hell” off his Brentwood, California property on Friday, Nov. 3.
Elizabeth Hirschhorn overstayed her welcome in Jovanovic’s guesthouse by 575 days. She was escorted off the property when movers showed up and Jovanovic called police.

Aerial views from Backgrid.com shows the guesthouse attached to the main residence that features a pool, a rooftop tennis court and a fully equipped fitness center.
RELATED: Photos of Brentwood mansion where Airbnb squatter lives without paying rent for 540 Days!
On Friday, three movers showed up to the guesthouse while a documentary was being filmed about the eviction at Jovanovic’s home. The movers began to remove Hirschhorn’s belongings from the guesthouse.

On Monday, Jovanovic’s attorney Sebastian Rucci, filed a notice in court to voluntarily dismiss the eviction proceedings. But the lawsuit for damages against Hirschhorn is ongoing, Rucci told People.com in an email.
“Three men removed every item and Elizabeth Hirschhorn left with a police escort,” Rucci wrote in court documents obtained by People.com. “Perceiving this as a voluntary act of abandonment, the locks were changed, and possession was retaken by the plaintiff (Jovanovic).”
He added, “It was later concluded that Elizabeth Hirschhorn hired movers but did not inform Sascha when he asked them what they were doing. He knocked on the door, and Elizabeth did not respond. After a couple of hours of this, Sascha called the police.”
Rucci said Hirschhorn’s attorney contacted him to say her client planned to return to the guesthouse.
“We changed the locks when Hirschhorn left. Her lawyer responded that we jumped the gun as she intended to return after leaving,” Rucci told the Daily Mail. “I responded that she was not allowed back, and the burden is now on her to go to court to regain possession.”

“I’m very relieved and also a bit overwhelmed,” Jovanovic told the Daily Mail after Hirschhorn was escorted off his property. “It was a long time coming but now she is finally out!”
The case began in September 2021 when Hirschhorn found the guesthouse through a listing on Airbnb. She agreed to rent the guesthouse for six months at $105 per night, spending a total of $20,793.
At the end of her lease term, Jovanovic extended Hirschhorn’s lease agreement, which was outside the scope of her Airbnb contract.

On April 12, Hirschhorn stopped paying rent and Jovanic told her she was being evicted. Hirschhorn contacted the Department of Building and Safety, which identified code violations at Jovanovic’s $3.3 million property.
According to California law, the guesthouse was not a legal rental when it was listed on Airbnb. A judge ruled that Jovanovic, a Los Angeles dentist, had no legal right to evict Hirschhorn — even though she hadn’t paid rent in 540 days.
Since Hirschhorn had lived in the property for more than six months, she also qualified for LA’s new Just Cause Ordinance, which requires a landlord to give a legal reason for eviction. If none exists, the landlord must pay for relocation assistance.
Hirschhorn asked Jovanovic for $100,000 to relocate to another home. But he refused to pay her.
Hirschhorn is accused of overstaying her welcome in other Airbnb rentals over the years. She is banned for life by Airbnb. And now her name and photos are plastered all over the Internet.