Excellent video of Obama campaign clips combined with a recent Air America radio broadcast that breaks down the Obama Deception and his secret backroom deals with the big pharmaceutical companies.

Obama campaigned on the promise that he would put an end to “the game playing” in Washington and he promised to negotiate with the big drug companies live on C-Span to lower drug costs for Americans.

But in the secret closed door negotiations, the drug industry promised Obama a future savings of $80 billion over 10 years as long as Obama doesn’t negotiate to lower drug prices or import cheaper drugs from Canada. The so-called “savings” to Americans amounts to only $8 billion a year or 2% cost savings per drug! You read that correctly: that’s 2% savings — not 20%!

Additionally, Obama cut a deal with the drug companies to provide $150 million in free advertising to help push his socialist health care reform so his Chicago cronies (including his advisor David Axelrod) could reap millions, if not billions in profits from co-ops and gov’t run HMOs.

So Obama once again broke a promise to go after the drug industry and to hold meetings with the drug companies “live on C-Span” so the American people could watch the negotiations unfold on television.

Is Obama the biggest con artist in presidential history? Yes he is!
