NeNe Leakes spends a lot of time updating her Instagram page with picture perfect photos of herself. Many say she looks like she just took a dip in the fountain of youth.
You can’t tell 54-year-old NeNe that she doesn’t look 25 in her photos.
NeNe’s followers lavish praise on her, telling her how beautiful she is and how young she looks for a mother of 2 grown sons.
But one follower reminded her 4 million fans how she got her photos so perfect.
In one photo caption, NeNe wrote: “Loving on me! Yung 404.”
@facetune wrote in the caption: “We are loving you.”
Facetune, which has 274,000 followers, is a selfie retouching app that “helps you look your Hollywood best, even in photos taken on mobile phones.”
The company markets itself as “a staple in the @bravotv cinematic universe,” meaning all of Bravo’s actresses use the app.
Question: Do you use Facetune? If yes, post a photo in the comments.