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A New York Times op-ed writer blamed the Black manosphere and the lack of dating for Donald Trump’s presidential election victory.

In her op-ed titled, “How Our Messed-Up Dating Culture Leads to Loneliness, Anger and Donald Trump,” playwright Sarah Bernstein blamed the manosphere for being intimidated by successful women.

The manosphere (of which there are many) is a safe space for Black men to flee into where they can dialogue with men who share their ideals.

Manosphere blogs are locked and registration is by invitation only to keep women out.

Men created the manosphere because they don’t want to be part of discussions led by successful women who remind them that they are not breadwinners.

In her NY Times op-ed (short for “opposite the editorial page”), Bernstein, said the manosphere “reinforces the male breadwinner norm.”

She argued that “our cultural narratives still reflect the idea that a woman’s status can be elevated by marrying a more successful man — and a man’s diminished by pairing with a more successful woman.”

“Now that women are pulling ahead, the fairy tale has become increasingly unattainable,” she wrote. “This development is causing both men and women to backslide to old gender stereotypes and creating a hostile division between them that provides fuel for the exploding manosphere.”

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Bernstein suggested that manosphere males are drawn to Trump’s masculinity, which they see as an admirable trait.

They have difficulty finding dates because most Black women vote Democrat.

“With so much turmoil in our collective love lives, it’s little wonder Americans are experiencing surging loneliness, declining birthrates and — as evidenced by Donald Trump’s popularity with young men — a cascade of resentment that threatens to reshape our democracy,”
Bernstein continued.

She argued that the manosphere is “a space occupied by new media podcasters and their favored politicians who win eyeballs, votes and dollars by selling a retrograde version of masculinity as the fix for men’s woes.”

She added: “While so-called female gold diggers are an obsession of the manosphere, much of its content reinforces the male-breadwinner norm — tying money to manliness and women’s preference for providers to biology,” Bernstein wrote.

In one manosphere post titled, “Men on social media are saying they’re tired of this body type,” the manosphere men critique a woman’s body type as “unnatural.”

There is even a poll in the post titled: “Is the BBL body played out to you?”

Over 60% of the respondents voted “Yes.”