Carmen Bryan, who fell pregnant during her nine-year affair with Jay-Z, describes their first intimate encounter in her new book. Carmen dated Jay-Z while she...
Jada Pinkett Smith’s bombshell memoir Worthy debuted at #3 on the NY Times Best Seller list
Melinda Gates's new boyfriend, former Fox Sports reporter Jon Du Pre, allegedly abused his ex-wife, former Miss Utah
Will Smith reveals the night his mom walked in on him having sex in the kitchen when he was a teenager
If you missed Colin Kaepernick's new Netflix series, "Colin in Black and White," you didn't miss much
Michelle Obama’s memoir “Becoming Michelle Obama” is the fastest-selling book of the year with over 725,000 copies sold on the
Noted book author Gabrielle Union shocked her fans on Friday when she suggested people shouldn’t be ashamed to toss salad.
She might be the next president of the United States, but former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s foray into the