"Cosby" actor Geoffrey Owens is still struggling to make ends meet despite receiving financial help from Tyler Perry. Owens, 63, played Bill Cosby's son-in-law...
Geoffrey Owens is busy jet-setting from coast-to-coast working on various TV and movie gigs after viral photos showed him bagging
Rapper Nicki Minaj finally paid Cosby star Geoffrey Owens the $25,000 she promised him. But rather than deposit the cash,
Nicki Minaj was not being truthful when she claimed she donated $25,000 to former Cosby Show star Geoffrey Owens. Owens,
Geoffrey Owens accepted Tyler Perry’s job offer to work on his television drama on the OWN Network. The famed director
Everyone applauded when famed director Tyler Perry offered former ‘The Cosby Show’ star Geoffrey Owens a role on his TV
There is a lesson to be learned after former ‘Cosby Show’ star Geoffrey Owens was shamed on social media and